Blogger Layouts

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Simple Whole Wheat Bread - 1 loaf recipe

In bread maker OR mixing bowl add:3/4 cup hot tap water
1 tsp yeast
3/4 cup whole wheat flour (freshly ground preferred or best you've got)
2+ TBSP honey
** start the bread maker on DOUGH setting to start mixing (or mix by hand 2 min)
Slowly pour in yeast/water mixture  mix an additional 2 min or until wall mixed TURN OFF BREAD MAKER.

LET RISE 30 min ** THIS WILL BE YOUR SPONGE ** After 30 min. look at your sponge.  It should be bubbly and risen almost double.  This will let you know if you have good or bad yeast as well.

Start bread maker again on DOUGH setting and ADD:
1 TBSP oil
1/2 tsp salt
2 TBSP gluten flour (if you do not have gluten flour ITS OK! use 1/2 cup regular flour and only 1 cup whole wheat flour)
1 1/2 cups  whole wheat flour (add more flour to get the correct consistency***)
1 egg (opt)

Let bread maker mix the dough or knead for 10 min.  Let rise 30 min. Take out dough and shape into a loaf.  Place in OILED bread pan.  Cover with oiled plastic wrap.  Let rise until doubled in size, about 30-45 min.

Bake 375  30 min.

***dough should be fully kneaded, smooth and NOT sticky when you tap on it.  If using a bread machine you can check while it's kneading... adding water/flour when needed.


  1. What a great blog! I love trying new recipes and seeing how they are supposed to turn out! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Thanks for commenting!!! :D Your my first one!!
